Your vote is important. If your vote wasn't important there wouldn't be so many people out there trying to take it away. There are 56 days until the presidential election. You can not fatigue out now! The presidential election in the US before this one, I voted 3rd party and many of my friends did too. The electoral college for presidential elections doesn't yet recognize anything but the 2 party system.
You are not alone in being fatigued.
Stressfull events can make underlying or existing mental health issues worse, or reactivate old traumas. If you or some one you love needs assistance navigating current election season stress OR work on underlying trauma, depression or anxiety, I can help. Contact me if you're in the state of Wisconsin. If not, go to to find a therapist in your state.
If you are finding that you need you immediate support, call 988.
If you are in the state of Wisconsin, contact your county crisis line for mental health support.